This was fun for a while, until dragons came in and made it totally pay to play, the prices in the laboratory are so unbalanced, it makes it impossible to ever upgrade your spells while staying up to date on the special attacks. The monsters get stronger every time you play a match, sure, that would be good if you could make your spells stronger every match. But when it starts costing 3000 gold to upgrade your backline OR your frontline, it becomes unfair. I used to have a lot of fun with this game, I used to have 100 runestones. But then... I HAD TO SPEND 30 OF THEM TO GET PAST ONE LEVEL. THEN 30 MORE, AND THEN, BY THE FOURTH MATCH, I COULDN’T COMPLETE IT BECAUSE I COULDNT USE THE LIGHTNING SPELL. TOTALLY P2P ONLY GET IF YOU WANT MAYBE 2 WEEKS OF FUN. Okay, I’m done ranting
SirSquireBruhdeDerpingtonII about Bounzy!, v2.7.1